Sunday, September 25, 2016

Why I Am Fed-up With Diet Pills/Supplements

Well, I am back from my blogging hiatus! I was looking at my last post, which was back in April, and wondering how I let so much time pass before writing! Just a quick recap before I move on to today's topic, I finished my Masters in Dietetics Administration from Utah State University in August (loved the program), finished PT for my knee post surgery, and have been steadily growing my business with some more contract gigs and clients! It has been a busy couple of months for me; however, I have finally found more of a happy balance :)

Which now brings me to today. One of the most frustrating things for me as a dietitian is trying to effectively give nutrition advice only to still have clients be bombarded and convinced that there is a miracle supplement out there for them. I have written on supplements/fat blasting pills before and how practically all of them have little to NO scientific evidence on their effectiveness. A lot can be harmful to your liver and kidneys and some have other unknown detrimental side effects. I have seen many clients waste hundreds of dollars on diet pills or products only to tell me later on that they either didn't see results and stopped taking them or that they lost a little weight but gained it right back after stopping (mainly due to the cost).

Look, I am not saying all products on the market for weight-loss don't work. I am sure some of them can produce the desired results my clients are looking for. So, what is wrong with that then? For starters they are beyond expensive, which is funny because I get a lot of the same people saying that eating healthy is "too expensive," yet, they will purchase a 30-day supplement for $90. Sounds about right? Secondly, these products are just a bandaid for deep-rooted food issues and habits. It is way easier to take a pill daily than to assess your habits and make a conscious effort to change them. This doesn't mean I am saying my clients are lazy; however, why not take the shiny, brightly lit pathway instead of wandering through a dimly lit tunnel?

So, you may be wondering why I even care then. I mean if my clients want to waste their money or have a quick-fix result, then why not let them? Well, I care because I invest my time and energy into counseling my clients. I don't just prescribe a diet and send them on their way. I get to know my clients and I work with them and their struggles. I strive to give them the best evidence-based information to help them to succeed. Honestly, a huge part of my role is helping to motivate my clients versus just purely giving education. These supplements/diet pills make me angry because I do CARE about my client's well-being. I work hard to give my clients the best nutrition counseling advice to help them on their journey. I don't blame them for wanting to take an easier route; however, it is frustrating that the time I invested is then rated as second best to this shiny new supplement/diet pill, which 99% of the time just leads to disappointment for my client.

My point to you here is that a well-balanced diet with exercise IS the BEST way to go long-term. Even if you feel like you are doing everything you can to lose weight without seeing any results, STOP and consult with a dietitian. I don't know how many times I have had a client at their wits end yet after reviewing their food diaries, I can almost always pinpoint a food trend that can contribute to hindering weight-loss. If not the food, it is another contributing factor like lack of exercise or sleep, low water intake, high stress levels, etc. Yes, these habits take time and effort to change; however, you will not only be saving yourself the endless pit of money on supplements/diet pills, but also saving your sanity. So, when staring at that shiny, brightly lit pathway stop and instead take the dimly lit tunnel because as a dietitian, I WILL be there to hold a flashlight and guide you through darkness to a bright nutrition success (cheesy, but true)!

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